MA?IAUSIAI DRAMATIZUOTAS TEKSTAS Dievo vardu ?ioj armijoj gali buti balsuojantis u? saldaini, tylintis i? baimes pabeges i kita matrica, nu?udytas ?unu ar disciplinuotas generolu ir re?isieriu paklydusios minties cia nereikia O mes... demokrati?kos rinkos SAVO re?isieriams, dominavimo lenktyniu pergales ir ?izofreni?ko nepakantumo vardu esam pasirenge savo armijomis juos visus pribaigti --- THE LEAST DRAMATIZED TEXT In the name of god in this army you may be voting for sweets, silent from fear may have fled to another matrix, be killed by dogs or disciplined by generals and directors strayed mind is unwelcomed here And we... in the name of democratic market for OUR directors, victory in competition for domination and schizophrenic intolerance, are ready to finnish them all with our armies --- A text born during the time of wandering in the landscapes, unfamiliar sounds and stories of Iran. Place where every law starts with 'in the name of god'. But from the stories you disvocer soon that the curtain of this divine rhetoric is masking a very aggressive manner of resisting the unwelcomed mind. By various strategies, the entire nation is mobilized as an army for the goal of consolidating power and domination. All males except the fortune or courageous ones serve army directly. The rest are going to work, buying bread or flowers and paying for war industry with this money. Everybody's going to schools and mosques and learning the purpose and policies of conlift, competition. Walking the streets feels baffling when in your home environment army is usually hidden in its ghettos. Though after seeing so many soldiers and weapons but then getting home and observing days of our accustomed daily lives spent in supermarkets and by the tv made me no longer recognize any distinction between army of soldiers and consumers. Industries of production, advertisement and competitiveness of the market seem to be not less aggressive than directly waging war. And these are not anyhow disconnected from one another. Working or buying is funding war. Goverments with the entire bureaucracy including army survives only because workers and consumers are paying for it. For many of us the war may seem so distant but by buying bread or flowers we also fall under the flag of local directors, mobilising us with not less deified prodemocratic rhetoric masking the same aggressive manner. We all are part of the conflict. I find it very crucial to be conscious of what does it mean for Iran and countries alike to encounter and interact with 'the West' whose interest is rather clear. As I desperately cannot find a way to peacefully approach people for whom this 'dramatized' text is reality, I want to hear new ideas and experience. Please share...